VW Repairs Done Fast and Done Right by Experts
When you have a problem with your Volkswagen, we don’t just do a cursory check and implement the first solution that comes to mind. Our first concern is for the safety and reliability of your Volkswagen. After all, you rely on your VW to get you (and perhaps your family) from point A to point B without any problems. We take the time to properly diagnose what is going wrong with your VW, and we tell you what is needed to get your car back on the road. We then fix it right – the first time.
VW Maintenance: Keeping Your Volkswagen in Shape
With improved technology, car manufacturers are increasing the length of time between service intervals, but is this the correct approach? When answering this question, remember why car manufacturers are in business – to sell cars.
If you really want to increase the lifespan of your car, VW maintenance must be done on a regular basis. More times than not, VW maintenance should be performed more frequently than recommended by Volkswagen.
We can tell by the wear and tear what’s occurring, what problems you may encounter and we help you maintain your Volkswagen so you can minimize the number of breakdowns or serious problems. In doing so, you will drive away with the peace of mind know your car is safe for you and your family.
Volkswagen Repair and Maintenance: Experience Matters
When your VW maintenance is done by Nelsons Automotive of Pewaukee, we develop a history on your car. Nelsons Automotive of Pewaukee is a VW authorized independent service center. Our Master Technicians have undergone rigorous training and know how to identify VW repair problems quickly so your Volkswagen is back on the road in hardly any time at all. When Nelsons Automotive performs your VW repair, VW maintenance, or VW service, you get the personal attention you won’t find at a dealership or quick lube shop. We come to know you and your VW, and that’s important to keeping it on the road for years to come!
For all your VW repair needs, contact Nelsons Automotive of Pewaukee, the Volkswagen repair experts today.
No matter the age or mileage of your vehicle, you only have one service provider to see - Nelson's Automotive of Pewaukee LLC. Recalls, warranty issues, and factory warranty service. We can help with it all, AND we'll work with the dealer to confirm that the appropriate repairs/recalls were done correctly. We do this at no cost as a reward for your loyalty and as a convenience to you. Call or stop by for details.
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